Yesterday’s “Friend On a Bench” event at Pescodia Primary School, orchestrated by Careline Clinic Pty Psychiatry Hospital and She Leads Foundation, marked a pivotal moment in promoting mental health awareness. Ms Y. Lucas, CEO of Careline Clinic, set the stage by opening the event, followed by a thought-provoking exploration of mental health challenges, including bullying and peer pressure, by the She Leads Foundation Executive Founder.

Engaging the Pescodia pupils, Ms. Lucas posed questions, offering rewards for insightful answers, fostering an interactive and educational atmosphere. The She Leads foundation’s founder passionately delved into strategies for overcoming these prevalent issues, imparting valuable insights to the young minds.

Beyond knowledge sharing, the event concluded with a heartening gesture. Pescodia Primary School received appreciation and support in the form of a thoughtful contribution from Careline Clinic and She Leads Foundation. The collaborative effort not only educated but also extended a caring hand to enhance the mental well-being of the students at Pescodia Primary School.

The first friend on the bench project was launched at the school. Trained mental health activists will be deployed to the school , where the kids would have access to a friend on a bench, who can guide, support or refer for further assessment. Careline Clinic envisage to rollout these benches to more schools in the province.